How To Plan A Blog Post In 6 Easy Steps

We bring you advice and tips on how to start a blog, and outline what's the best blogging platform - Blogger vs WordPress vs Tumblr. Comment on those bloggers' posts, interact with them on Twitter, connect on LinkedIn. For writers, Medium shows you a 30-day snapshot of all your posts and their views, reads, and recommendations. This idea works particularly well if you're sharing content on Instagram, since you can't actually include a link back to your blog posts from the messages themselves.

The client, excited to get started on blog content together, had a running list of topics for me to cover. Magento is blogging and content management platform, but is mostly used as an ecommerce platform. Blogspot gives the freedom to start blogging without any investment, which is great for newbies and students who cannot able to invest on hosting and domain.

You'll find the perfect domain name for your blog in no time. 73. Rock a guest posting campaign to share your thoughts with several new audiences. It might sound counterintuitive to growing an audience, but the more you focus your blog, the more of a chance you have to increase your readership and reach.

Stand out from the crowd with a distinctive logo or cutting-edge blog theme, publish engaging photography and video within your posts, and construct a concise and navigable menu to catalogue your content. Absolutely there are apps for managing WordPress blogs on phones and tablets.

I have written my new article and here i am writing about How To Make Your Own Blog In Blogger. Publish a blog post detailing every actionable takeaway from the content. It will be easier, more enjoyable, more profitable, and better for your readers if you create a blog about an unrelated topic first, and then teach others how to do the same based on your experiences.

John from MailChimp notes that no single day really wins hands down, but there is definitely a trend: Weekdays work best for promoting your blog posts via email. Consistently publishing awesome content builds trust with your audience that they'll continue to get all of your awesome advice if they just continue coming to your blog.

It is quite easy to move from and set up a blog on self-hosted WordPress - you can export your posts in your WordPress menu under tools. If I were you, I'd start with a self-hosted blog on my own domain from day one. Drudge is scorned by journalists and serious bloggers for his tabloid sensibilities, but his place in the media history books is guaranteed.

By emailing them and asking them to share your post, not only do you have a chance to start building your audience, but it's an excellent way to validate your approach. 1X1 career coaching revenue goes up as individual clients seek out this blogger's expertise after 10 years of blogging and publishing over 1,800 articles.

Meta description: You write a meta description for every post to sell your readers on why they should click to read your post in search engine results pages. I have NEVER been a full-time blogger and I have no interest in being one. If you're a personal finance blogger don't write about food recipes.

Choose the right blogging platform for your new blog. This free guide is all about blogging for beginners, and will teach you how to be a blogger with just the most basic computer skills. While the other blogging platforms are generally all pretty okay; nothing, in my opinion, has ever come close to matching the freedom and customization options that WordPress offers.

I even had 3-4 of these free blogs myself over the years, before I got super serious with Blogging From Paradise and CWATC. Recently I've started making some money from my site which I'm really happy about. It's free for the first 2,000 users, so it's a good choice if you're just getting started, and it's incredibly easy to learn.

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